Vampires.  We all know about the legend of vampires and their infamous, insatiable thirst for blood.   Let’s put a little twist in the legend, for conversation’s sake.  What do you think of vampire who does not drink blood?

According to, there is actually a greek version of the vampire called the vrykolakas, which is a word that is infact derived from the slavic term meaning fur or werewolf.  It was once common belief that the werewolf could become a vampire after being killed and it did not necessarily drink blood.  The blood reference seems to have come into play because of the reddish color of the werewolf-turned-vampire’s skin and the fact that he was enriched with
“new blood”.

Other vampires in history were known to kill their victims in other ways, such as sitting on their chest, spreading disease, or simply acting like a menacing poltergeist, but it seems that history has stretched the imagination of the story tellers adding a bit more blood and gore to the legend.

Sources:  Paranormala, Wikipedia

The Sci-Fi channel is now offering a DVD set called Spooked TV, which features many of the paranormal programs of 2008, including Children of the Grave, A Haunting, Paranormal State, and many more.  Check it out at

A new paranormal show called Dead Reckoning is in the works.  To hear the details, listen to the show this Thursday!

Two women in near Bristol, England used their cell phones this week to capture a red beam of light shooting out from a UFO.  A local airport reported no other ufo reports or unusual activity that night. The video shows a quick flickering line flashing where the craft are floating and looks a bit like digital noise. That’s just my humble opinion, though.  Don’t aim that laser at me!

Speaking of UFOs, those pesky aliens cut the power in Chorley, England last week. A man driving in his car saw two UFOs the night the power went out. Those crazy martians. 

Some huge, unexplained waves appeared on the coast of Maine on October 28th and they are without scientific explanation.  The water rose 12 feet and the cause remains a mystery.

Something scientific for ya.  Magnetic chutes going from the earth to the sun have been discovered and they appear every 8 minutes.  Particles can shoot through these tunnels and the process is called a flux transfer event. So, who knows, maybe aliens are sliding down to earth this way.

If you’d like to head out to Gettysburg with Tampa Ghost Watchers on May 22nd, go to to sign up.

From the Internets ONLY rock n roll, paranormal extravaganza I’m PaulaJedi with Parahub Radio News, sponsored by: Doorways Magazine. See them at  Also, check out the show live on Thursday nights at 10pm Eastern on,, or

The Ladies of the Paranormal Calendar is officially out!!!!
All proceeds go to charity.

Go get it at


Tiffany Johnson
Reese Christian
Dr. Pamela Heath
Janice Oberding
Ghost Chicks (Lorrie Jones, Tara Deters)
League of Ext. Par. Women – Amy Williamson, Kristy Robinett
Don shy
Catz Baudino
Alexandra Holzer
Serenity Moore
Kathy Barts (PC)

The Pasadena Paranormal Research Society will be investigating Wolfe Manor on November 8th and one of their members, Donn Shy, is appeared on the Biography channel on October 30th on the show “My Ghost Story  Hauntings Revealed” to talk about a paranormal video from Waverly Hills.

Call your realtor.  The old haunted house that actor Nicolas Cage bought in New Orleans is now for sale for $3.7 million.  It’s considered one of the most haunted houses in America.

In Wichita Falls, Texas, some members of the U.S. Air Force have formed the Military Paranormal Investigations group. See them at

Is there a new species of cat in Ecuador? Could it be the chupacabra?  Is it a bird? Is it a plane? is it…?  A very cute but strange new creature was found. It kind of looks like a house cat with a flatter nose, a racoon tail and wild cat markings. It’s actually quite pretty.

Want to hear more paranormal and whacky news? Listen to Parahub Radio live on Thursday nights at 10pm Eastern at,, or

The UFO – Part 4 End

September 4, 2008

 by Donn Shy

They both laugh uncontrollably for a minute or so then begin to tease each other. Laughing so hard, Rick thinks he’s shutting off the camera, instead he hits the record button. He sets it down in the back, not knowing that it is still recording. This time the camera is facing up and out the rear windshield. They continue teasing each other.
“Dude, something’s following us…” Rick jokingly reminds Dave of what he said earlier.
Dave, feeling insulted, but smiling, starts the car and pulls back onto the road to resume their drive home. As they drive along, they’re laughing at each other and how serious they each were during the experience.
“Man, you really looked scared for a while dude…’Is IT following us or are we following IT?’ You lame!” Dave says to Rick. Then Rick looks slightly insulted.

“I’ve been watching it for a while, it follows us exactly…talk about lame.” Rick retorts.

“Shut up, dude. You’re the one that said it was really smart.” Dave blasts back.

“Hey dude, I don’t want anyone to ever know we were filming a speck of food thinking it was a UFO.” Dave says and Rick agrees, “Dude!”

They both keep laughing at how they were following a spot of food on the windshield. They continue laughing…

Perhaps they’re laughing too much to notice the UFO craft hovering closely behind them…They don’t even realize that the camera is catching it on tape.

The End


(Paranoia strikes in dark and quiet moments, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t believe it. – Donn Shy)





The UFO – Part 3

August 28, 2008

By Donn Shy

They seem so desperate that Dave pulls the car over to the side of the road and stops. They get out. Rick still has the camera in hand, it’s still recording. They can’t believe that the object that they had been following (or it had been following them) could have disappeared so quickly.
After searching the skies in all directions, they are speechless. They slowly and very disappointedly climb back into the mess they call a car. Rick lays the camera down in the back, again forgetting to shut it off, it continues to film.
They both just sit there. Not a word spoken. They both look at the windshield. It’s gone.
Dave hits Rick in the arm and says, “Why did you quit filming to clean the windshield? You dope!”

“Sorry dude, now nobody will believe us.” Rick says very discouraged.

They both just sit in silence and look out the windshield with dazed expressions but also with relief now knowing that they weren’t going to be abducted.

“I can’t believe it! Man, we were getting it on tape! But you – you had to stop and clean the windshield. That was so stupid!” Dave yells at Rick.

Once again they sit back in silence. Rick picks up the camera and they replay what they had recorded so far to verify what they had captured. They watch the tape and see as Rick wipes the window, a huge speck of food is knocked off the window. They look at each other strangely. They realize that when he wiped the windshield clean he also wiped away the ‘UFO’ – it was a spot of something on the windshield. A chunk of food…